Sunday, September 16, 2007

Painting With Fairy Ink (April 2007)


zzoe said...

wonderful!what's the magic ingredients? zzoe

zzoe said...

wonderful!what's the magic ingredients? zzoe

zameander said...

Why did we never notice your comment zzoe? Anyway, to answer your question: we just ran around the garden and gathered plant stuff in different color families (we made a bucket of red stuff, a bucket of green stuff, and a bucket of brown stuff), and then our mom put it all in the food processor with some water, and then we let it sit awhile (like tea), and then we painted with it. It didn't make very strong or dark colors, but it was fun.

zzoe said...

sorry for my late.
I think that i'll use this idea in my next spring minilab with children
chil loves fairies... ean me too!